Workshop bolts and construction site

I'm looking for an idea..... Let me explain my problem:

I have an assembly composed of manufacturing parts, purchase parts and screws (several types of screws, washers, nuts,......)

Each fastener element is modeled via a family of parts:

Example: I have a file named Vis_BHC_ISO7380_Zn, in this same file I have all sizes (from M03x005 to M16x080)

I extract a BOM via SmartBOM without any problem:

  • I have a "general bill of materials" tab (Manufacturing Parts+Purchase Parts+Screws) per sub-assembly.
  • I have other tabs including one with the "screws recap" for all the assembly (without distinction of sub-assembly)

To do this, I make a selection, in particular on a property called Groupe

The problem is as follows:

This sub-assembly is partly assembled in the workshop and the rest is assembled on site.

This means that part of the bolts is necessary for assembly at the factory but the other part must be shipped.

I now need to make the difference, so I need to be able to identify these 2 types of screws on my nomenclature (Factory and Shipyard)....

Do you have this type of imperative?



and if you made 3 assemblies 

1 general for your set and account for purchases 

+1 Factory Assembly

+1 Site assembly

In this case, you will be able to have all your screw files that correspond to each need

well that's what I see immediately

@+ ;-))


You, in front of your screen, how do you know the distinction between factory and construction site screws? The construction screws are in the head assembly only?

If so, couldn't you make a bill of materials only for the first level on the screws?


Today I have no distinction.... This is a new fact.


3 assemblies is annoying as well as 3 different configurations.

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And so, how are you going to know which ones are for the construction site?

Could you place them in a separate assembly, where you would ONLY find your construction screws. This subassembly would be inserted into your head assembly. Within this screws assembly, there are no constraints. And in your head assembly you put your sub-assembly in flexible and suddenly you can constrain your screws! By doing this you will be able to make a nomenclature of your construction screws.

@ flegendre 

embarrassing but I don't see much else viable via your question

Your workshop plans will be specific to the workshop 

your site plans ditto

and which of + is nothing prevents you from being able to calculate the assembly of the workshop and the site on different plans

@+ ;-))


What I do is not the best type but in reality I have 2 identical files of screws with different names.

One assembly workshop the other factory (on site)

They have different names and colors, for example

FC-atl config M3x15 in green (for workshop mounting)

and FC-usn config M3x15 in red (for factory mount)

and then I order in my name by the -atl or - usn

it works because I haven't encountered any problems of lack of screw size (well it's taken in a box for the intervention so for 30 screws needed the guy has 100....)  

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In the meantime I had an idea:

I added ***_CHANTIER configurations for each of my screws

For these configurations:

  • the GROUPE property goes from Visserie to Visserie_CHANTIER
  • I change the color too (to have a visual on my assembly)

In my SmartBOM I have a new tab Construction Screws (based on the group) so that the utility separates me well the screws for the workshop and the screws for the site.


The 2 negative points:

  • For my screw files, the configuration will be multiplied by 2 (so the size of the files too)
  • In the general tab of my SmartBOM nomenclature, as I have 2 different configurations for the same screw (example BHC M12x030 Screws and BHC M12x030_CHANTIER Screws), the utility puts 2 lines on me and does not know how to accumulate the quantities.


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@SEPM. Gerald

Your idea looks like what I want to do, the only difference is that I use the existing files by adding configurations: "_CHANTIER".




@flegendre yes but I used the annoyances of a previous box to set it up from the beginning in my designs so not glossis when you have to redo everything, unless you use a grouping folder and replace the existing screws with the others (which are the same so no worries for the constraints if you save it as a copy)

Here is my answer above.

I wonder if there would not be a roundabout way by using the files to group the models of screws according to use, but on the other hand to make only one or the other appear in the nomenclature