Cutaway assembly display bug

Hi all

For a very long time, I've had a rather annoying display bug. With each new version of SW, I hope that this bug is fixed, but it is never the case.

Attached are two images, 
In n°1, I click on a surface of an assembly, the selection turns blue, everything is fine.
In n°2, I make a cut on my assembly, and I click on the same surface and there, the selection is totally offset, and flipped.
Anyone ever had this problem?
I'm on SW 2018 sp5

Thanks in advance!


I never had the problem.

Have you checked the graphics card driver version ?

Thank you for your help!

I've already tried different drivers, different OS and now I'm up to date, but I still have this problem.

I also have this bug on other computers in my BE that have the same graphics card, but on one of the pcs that has a different graphics card there is no bug!

System manufacturer: HP
System Model: HP Z420 Workstation
Card Manufacturer: NVIDIA Corporation
Card Template: NVIDIA Quadro K4000
Your current driver: 411.63
Diagnostic results:  Your graphics card is supported and the driver is up to date.



does it only do it on this file?
only on this flange?
Is it a real assembly (SLDASM file) or a part with parts inserted?

What is the configuration of the workstation that has a diff card

or it works

Are you on Windows 10?


I have this problem on a lot of assemblies, not only this flange, and yes they are real assemblies, with real parts (not imported).

 My config:

 HP Z420  under Windows 10 (The bug was also present when I was under Windows 7)

NVIDIA Quadro K4000

Current driver: 411.63 (Up-to-date driver according to Solidworks)

These are Axemble pcs, so logically well optimized for SW



Sorry I had misread your question,

The configuration that works:

HP Z420  on Windows 10 

NVIDIA Quadro Fermi generation

with an old pilot

Ok but my question is

What is the configuration on the workstation where it works?

to see the config diffs

Thank you



After answering the previously suggested leads, have you tested your board driver on the SOLIDWORKS site?

Kind regards


Have you tried to get in touch with the hotline?


Gt22 : The configuration that works:

HP Z420  on Windows 10 

NVIDIA Quadro Fermi generation

with an old pilot


Yes, I did get the driver on the Solidworks site according to my configuration!

I haven't tried the hotline yet! I will do it if no one here can help me:)



I have the same problem that was noticed and reported by a sales representative.

The only answer I was given is that eventually the graphics card would be too old for SW 2018

a Quadro K2000.

Look at this link

for SW 2018 and a K 4000 no certified driver in win 10

1 driver in win 7

@+ ;-)

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I just switched to SW2019 sp3, Still this bug!

and there, the config is certified (see jpg)



which would mean that it's not a problem of graphics card and certification

then that in theory everything is certified and in order

and who + is via the post with a fermi card and old picker it works well

question is that on the image 2  flange the right one is a repetition or symmetry of the left flange

or a strap taken from your library

it's a part assembly or routing


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The bridle is not the result of a repetition but it is indeed a library piece (Room with families of parts)

But the problem also arises with "standard" parts

On the other hand, I just noticed that my assembly contains functions made in the assembly, and that if I disable them, there is no longer the bug (see jpg).



I never use a function in an assembly (except when I'm not paying attention) and I often have this problem, so I'd tend to say that it's not related to assembly functions.