Detailed BOM bubble


I have to make the nomenclature of an assembly including sub-assemblies (which we will denote SE), design sub-assemblies (which we will denote SC), parts (mechanically welded or not), and assemblies of commercial parts (e.g. a cylinder).

So I use the tab on the left of the bill of materials to break down the SCs, group the mechanically welded parts, my SES as well as the commercial assemblies in order to hide the parts (I also use "hide child components").

Now starts my problem:

Having to follow the impositions of my client I have to bubble each element in a very particular way:

- Uxx for manufactured parts

- Fxx for commercial parts (including assemblies)

- Exx for subassemblies

So I can't use the prop. "No. article" to bubble my elements, so I created for each one a "Benchmark" property with the value Exx, Uxx...

The problem is that when I point my bubble at an off-the-shelf assembly or an OS, it will look for the "Coordinate System" property of the part and not of the assembly.

Hoping to have been clear in my explanations and to wait (I really hope) for an answer.

SW 2015 Software

See this topic among others:

or this one:


Thank you for your answer,

For parts no worries, it's when I want to bubble an assembly that I have a problem: the property displayed is that of the part located in the pointed assembly and not that of the assembly.

I saw that there were several ways to call the prop. Is it that a different code for assemblies is a different code for assemblies, $PRPMODEL:"Rep" or $PRPWLD:"Rep"?

Here is a link that says it better than I do:



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To choose which part or assembly to display, it's in the BOM options.

Either when you import your nomenclature you choose the options:

First level

Parts Only

Tabulated list

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Because of the presence of design assemblies that need to be detailed (decomposed) and assemblies that don't need to be detailed, I use tabulated lists without numbering.

The bubbling does not always work correctly in the last case (for some assemblies not broken down the software will point to the prop. of the parts and not of the head assembly), I am leaning towards a bug...

Thank you for the time spent, not having found a suitable solution, the subject can be closed.

If I understand correctly, it is necessary to:
- hide the parts forming the SE and the commercial ASM;
- display the parts forming the SCs;

To do this, we need to make a top-level nomenclature by modifying the properties of the asm configurations as follows:
- SE, asm commerce: hide
- SC :p romouvoir.

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