Multi-Line Balloons - Position AND Custom Property


Can we have a multi-line balloon, with the POSITION (Item Number) and a custom property? And in case style, or underlined, but not in bubble because it's too bulky.

I tried to concatenate in "text", but it doesn't work... Can I edit the "sldballoonestl" file directly?

Thank you in advance for your insights!


Can we put this post back at the top of the list by adding a comment?...

Here's what I'm doing right now to make it work. Can we do this automatically?

- Setting a marker

- Right-click -> Add to stack, to add an identical marker under the marker I just placed

- On the first marker, I add the quantity

- On the second placemark, I apply a placemark style that allows you to display a "Description" property.

It's just a bit long to do this on all the screws, so I'd like a faster method!

Thank you for your help, 


Why not create an extra column in your BOM with the information you want?


This will declutter your plan. We operate in this way. The quantity as well as the markers are available, you just have to add the column designation if it is not yet active.



Thanks for the suggestion. 

I already have the information in the nomenclature. My goal is to make the work of the editors easier: they look at the assembly plan, and immediately find the appropriate screw length. 

My list of parts is very long, and is on another page. The time spent searching on the article is therefore reduced during editing if I put the information directly on the marker of the exploded track.


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You have already tried to save your bubble style by clicking at the top on the penultimate stars with the floppy disk and next to it the one with the arrow and there to choose if you have more than one.

Yes, and I have the following problem: 

Since I used "Add to Stack", I actually have 2 markers. They are on the same piece, but they are two separate markers. 
If I select the 2 guides (with Ctrl), I can't use the "star" to save the style. 

And if I select just one of the guides, it saves the style of THIS coordinate system. So, either the bubble or the text.