Electrical cable that follows the outlet of a cylinder

Hi all

While browsing the forum, I watched this tutorial which can be found at the address https://youtu.be/Uej5ZJQk-XA

I tried to understand how the author managed to distort his sketch of an electric cable, one end fixed and the other that follows the outlet of the cylinder.

Unfortunately I can't do it and I can't see how he was able to achieve this coupling and deformation.

I am therefore interested in any information or other that will allow me to provide a solution to my questioning.

Thank you in advance for your answers

Good evening

It seems a bit logical, he constrained his sketch by ribs, which freezes it but it is also constrained to the face of the cylinder where there are the 20 mm and has no angular constraint (where there are  the 110 and 85) so the angle is free to move when the cylinder moves. This part had to be created in the assembly.

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately when I try to redo the manipulation, if I set the constraint Collinear end point with cylinder rod end it blocks any displacement.
That's what I'm stuck on.
Thank you again for your help


Make a sub-assembly of your assembly then make it flexible and there normally it should work.

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Indeed I wanted to make the assembly flexible but I can't because the box remains desperately grayed out and I don't understand the reason.
I take the liberty of attaching in the file .RAR enclosed the 3 parts of this assembly, so that you can tell me eventually, where and what to do, to solve my problem.
Thank you in advance for this assistance.


You have to create a sub-assembly in the assembly to make it flexible and then redo the sketch. See the attached file. On the other hand, you have to do a CTRL-Q for the electrical cable to update. And in the video it is also an animation that has been created.

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Many thanks for your assistance in solving my problem.
I will try to understand the subtleties of your solution.
Kind regards.