Hidden Inner Edges

Hi all


I have to highlight the internal components of an assembly while keeping the shape of the outer part. On composer I put a fairly low opacity (10) on my outer part to see the internal parts. The problem is that the outer part is complex and contains a lot of machining, so you can see all its shapes in transparency, which unnecessarily complicates my rendering.


I would like to know if there is a way to hide the inner edges of a part on SolidWorks Composer?


I'm also interested if you have any other suggestion/means/tricks to achieve the result I want.


Thank you.


Ps: I attach a screenshot of my rendering.




By hiding certain functions it doesn't work?


I didn't try to hide my duties. 


How would you have proceeded? Can I hide functions on Composer or do I have to go back to Solid?

You can also select your lines => right-click => hide/show edges


I'm enclosing a screen print so that you can see the symbol



Why not use the digger in X-ray mode?



I think you should use the silouhette mode, see on the attached image and the following tutorial:





To bounce back on what just said @PL you can also combine the rendering modes of your main piece in silhouette and the one you want to highlight in texture!



Thank you for your answers.


gt22 I tried to hide the functions but much too tedious, I have several assemblies of this type to do :-s.


coin37coin I would need exactly the same option but on Composer (however it is still quite tedious to hide the stops one by one, there are many :-s), a SolidWorks drawing is unfortunately not suitable (manual realization for client).


Coyote, I did think about it but I find the result much less telling since you can't see the outer part anymore but only the bronze skates. I attach a screen printout.


The aim is to show all the bronze skates while giving an idea of their mounting location.






Decrease the intensity of the X-ray, now it's all the way down, so everything is transparent.

Otherwise the method of the different rendering modes can be quite good I think...


Thank you for your answer.PL

The rendering in silhouette mode is pretty good, but unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem. After several tries I did not achieve a satisfactory result. I attach a screen printout.

Coyote on the previous screen print, the X-ray is at least (0%) When I play on the cursor, it makes my screws and pads disappear. Did I miss something?




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Normally in silouhette mode for your main body and rendered for the others you should not have the internal edges, see attached image.


EDIT: your rendering is entirely in silhouette with transparency, isn't it?

Of course, you have to apply the silouhette mode on certain components only.

Coyote is exactly the kind of rendering I'm looking for (image you attached).

Yes, it's extended, entirely in silouhette with transparency.


.PL how do you apply silhouette mode (or a mode) only on certain components? I didn't succeed.

Render mode = custom at the very top

Clicking on main body and in the properties of the silouhette rendering mode with opacity at full

Other parts render mode = shaded with or without edge

Thank you Coyote,

I've set the render mode to customize in render. Unfortunately I can't find "Render Mode" in my room properties select.

I attach a screen printout of the properties of my part.


See picture!

Have you selected your piece well?

Have you enabled custom rendering?



Yes my room is well selected, but nothing in the properties :-s

See screen print


No, you are in Assembly selection mode in your assembly tree, first button on the left (yellow icon)


I must have inadvertently ticked it off ^^. By unchecking it and selecting my part, "custom rendering" appears in the properties.

Thank you very much!!!

The result:


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