Hide the default viewcube

Hi all

On some of my parts, I use the visualization cube to retrieve the overall dimensions in the custom properties. However, I want to hide the visualization cube on my parts because its display is annoying in assemblies and drawings. 

I first tried to hide it from the tree but it prevents the custom properties from updating it.

 I then hid the display of the visualization cubes from the display options \ Hide\Show \Visualization cube. This way, the visualization cubes are well hidden without impacting the custom properties. Unfortunately, each time the room is opened again, the option to display the viewing cubes defaults back to "show".

Is there the possibility to hide the display of the visualization cubes by default?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Try to hide the sketches in the assembly and then in the MEP by  clicking on the eye (hide/show objects) and hide the sketches.


When I hide the sketches, it doesn't hide the visualization cube (despite the fact that it's considered a 3D sketch). On the other hand, I can't understand that the choice of the "hide sketches" option is saved while the "hide visualization cubes" option is constantly reset when the room is opened.

Normally this cube only appears when the piece is in a state of unfolded 

My part does not come from the sheet metal module. Since the 2020 version, you can use the visualization cube on all parts by going through Insertion\Reference geometry\Visualization cube.

The visualization cube is therefore still displayed, unfortunately.

So it would be a bug from 2020.
If you have a maintenance contract, it may be worth opening a ticket. It's not normal that by hiding (and not removing) an entity, the properties no longer follow.

Can you share a file with the problem as I am also 2020 and I am not experiencing this problem.


I share with you an example of a piece on which I encounter the problem. For information, when the part is used in an assembly or in a drawing, the hide the visualization cubes function also resets each time it is opened.


Attached is my file or the visualization cube it's hidden.


Thank you

When I open the file of ac cobra 427 the visualization cube remains displayed. So the problem is probably with our configuration or with SolidWorks. 

I will resolve this issue and open a support ticket for this issue.


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Have you ever attempted a Solidworks  repair by doing:

Open the Windows Control Panel and click Programs > Programs and Features. Select the version of SOLIDWORKS you want to repair and click Edit. On the Welcome to SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager screen, click Repair Your Installation.

By performing the indicated manipulation, I only have the uninstall option.

I opened a ticket hoping that the problem is already identified and that it can be solved.