Mass Calculation


I compared the mass of a part I made (cut with a hot wire cnc) with the mass I drew under SW2013.

The DXF files used are exactly the same in both cases.

The material is extruded polystyrene given for a density of 30kg/m3 (manufacturer's sheet)

So I created a new material with this data that I am attaching to you.

Only I find a difference of 30% between the part and the drawing.

I suspect that it could not be precise but 30%, I find it huge?

What do you think?




99% chance that it is the density of your material that does not respect the sheet of the farbicant (or its thickness otherwise). Cut a 10cmx10cm square and weigh it to make sure -> and you recalculate your real density.


I made a small modification in the config, to have the same weight the SW density must be at 40.

I'll do the test as soon as possible.

Thank you



Indeed, I did the test and I am at 36.81kg/m3, which is much closer to reality since my piece weighs 188gr and SW gives me 178.42gr.


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