Thermal calculation with friction

Hi all


As part of an internship, I am required to calculate the temperature evolution due to friction between rotating parts.

I don't really see how to do it under SW 2014.
I tried to go through the movement study but no way to get out of the temperatures. 

Here I try with the thermal simulation but I don't see how to take into account the friction between parts.



Thank you for your help;)




As shown here:

On page 18:

"Deformation analysis of a composite bearing-housing" :

"This requires a combination of steady-state thermal and static analyses"

So a priori you need 2 successive analyses.


Thank you for this quick response.


But from what I understand from the document, it is a question of calculating the deformations due to temperatures.


I try to calculate the temperatures due to friction due to a rotation. A static analysis would not, I think, allow me to simulate this rotation.


Indeed, I got a little lost.

According to this link, this is not possible with SolidWorks Simulation:


Oh dear )=

Thanks for the help;)



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But otherwise, how can a friction study be properly defined in motion analysis?

I have one piece that rotates and another that is fixed and rubs against the first.

How do you get the frictional force between these two parts? Should I define contacts between the parts or just leave the defined constraints to the assembly?



You put your contact between rooms. You define the materials and/or friction coef.

You launch the analysis of mvt.

And then you recover the results/forces/frictional forces.


On the other hand for the temperature... cf answer from .pl



This is what I applied but I only come out of the zero frictional forces.
I even tried to apply a friction coefficient equal to 1, which should cause the second part to rotate because of the motor that drives the first one but nothing happens.