Sensor and equation


I'm looking to use the value of a sensor (measurement of the arc length of a 3D curve) in an equation on SW 2013.

Does anyone know how to do that?


Thank you




Want to link it to another rib? If so, just double-click on it and do = then click on the coast with which is must be linked.

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Why use the sensor value and not the arc length dimension itself?


Edit: As said manu, size the length of the bow by clicking on each end of it and then clicking on it (3 clicks in total)

So you'll get a recoverable odds in an equation. (See image)


It's a 3D curve, how can I get its length directly without going through a sensor?

See the attached file.

I would like "D1@Esquisse4" = "Length of arc@Longueur cylinder intake curve 1"


Thank you!

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Look at this, it's more meaningful


On 2D I agree it's easy but on a 3d curve I can't find a way to dimension without going through a sensor

Why did you do it in 3D when everything is on the same level?

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It is possible to retrieve the length of the trajectory but not on curves (see image), but on 2D sketches with several entities.


See here page 196, but again, it's on Sw2014



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As stated here, this is not possible:

The only solution is a macro (available in this message or the following message):

By going via excel you can do it to you to assign each box and lines and do the equations and the final calculation (addition of all these straight and curved parts and via the answer define this box as the result of your final length

and as you can have links you just have to create them
