Mechanical characteristics of DB11 and HLE S355 steel sheet

Hello, does anyone have the mechanical characteristics of std (type db11) and HLE (S355 or S500) steel sheets (for bending)?




I use the technical official website for the use of steel: OTUA


This site brings together a lot of information, directories of nuances, tables of correspondence of standards, explanations of abbreviations...


Kind regards.


In terms of materials, one of the essential sites is Matweb


Although the site is in English, the use of the site is easy and you can search for a material, or by specifying desired physical criteria to have material prostitions.


Thank you for your answers! I'll try to take a closer look!



It may be a little late but here is some information if it can still help you:


S355: High Strength Steel: 205000 MPa Modulus of Elasticity E

                                                          0.3 fish coeff

                                                          7800 kg.m-3 density

                                                          490 MPa tensile strength Rr

                                                          355 MPa tensile strength Re

DD11: Standard Steel (EN 10111 or 1.0332):            

                                         170-360 MPa tensile strength Rr

                                         170-350 MPa tensile strength Re


For more information, there is this great site:


Have a nice day


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