
But why does my cartridge only work on one and the same assembly?

Are there the indentical custom properties on the 2 assemblies?

In the 3D: File > Properties.

Warning: if the properties exist in the "configuration-specific" tab and they are empty, nothing will be displayed!

Is everything correctly filled in when editing the basemap?


Because you have to use the property form editor! =)

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I did this screen sensor.

so on the left the assembly whose function

and to the right or the cartouche remains empty.


You have all the answers to your questions 

on the tutorials that I linked to you



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It is clear that there are fewer properties in the one on the right. How are they filled in?
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Wouldn't the assembly on the right be an old assembly made before having created the new properties, by chance?


that's what I don't understand /.pl it's the same template.asmprp file


And the I just noticed that I have removed the information from the personal properties of my viable assembly. I closed everything and I reopened. I redid a plan and the information remained.

I don't understand anything anymore.

The best is I think to delete my property files and start over.

This is normal, the part will automatically look for its part or assembly model.


If he does not find it, he takes the last one he used for the piece.


A bit like basemaps;


So I think it's your templates that need to be modified and not your properties.


I'm going to try to create new property files.

hoping it works.


Also be careful with the use of the specific properties of the configuration, it can play nasty tricks on you depending on the choices made with the annotations of the cartridges of your model.