Catia - Part is displayed in my 1st level product but does not appear in a 2nd level Product


I use Catia V5 R25 with SmarTeam.

I have a problem in Catia V5. 

I have a Product (1)  that is in another Product (2). 

When I display my Product (1) alone, all of its components are displayed.

When I view my Product (2), components of my Product (1) do not appear.

I can't seem to correct the problem. It is not possible to replace the component.

The profile card for this component is displayed correctly.

Is it possible to help me with my problem?

Thanks in advance




Hello, I don't have SmarTeam , but it looks like a loss of representation.

When this happens to me in an assembly I can't replace with the same component.

On the other hand, we can replace it with another ("any" of course, the constraints won't like it, but it's temporary), this has the effect of regenerating the representation.

If it works, all that remains is to replace it again with the right component.



Thank you for your feedback. 

Unfortunately, I can't even replace the component with another one.

Error message:

But I think the problem must come from links with my Product (2) which is at the level above my Product (1).

Because everything is displayed correctly in my Product (1).

But I don't think so. :(

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Edit / Link on each product you have tried?

Usually, the loss of link is reported when the CATProduct is opened.

Edit: I don't know the symbolism of SmarTeam (the forbidden direction on the component) otherwise apart from that the absence of the red trihedron on the component is associated with an unloaded component.

Edit-2 I hadn't looked at the error message usually when I get this message it's because I'm not active in the right place to replace (for example active on the product and I'm looking to replace it in a sub-product). 

With Edit / Link on each Product, I can indeed redirect the links to the right parts, but nothing changes in my Product (2). 

Everything remains the same.

However, I replaced my Product (1) set in my Product (2) and it worked. 

Thank you for your contribution. 


So a loss of representation but of the subset in the context of the head assembly.

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