[Catia] Nearest point


I take the liberty of asking for your help with a surface problem on Catia. 

I want to create the closest point of one surface to another. I know how to do this with the help of the measurement tool, but unfortunately  this solution is not compatible with the "Power Copy".

Do you know another way to do it?

Kind regards


Hello this may be useful to you, I got around the fact that you can't select a measurement in a PowerCopy by a length user parameter associated with a formula (Measure / Distance between two geometry).

Settings and formulas are compatible with Power Copies.

Unfortunately, this solution allows you to make a Power Copy on a measurement. But what I need is to extract a point used for measurement. 


Will your copy have to be rebuilt on all types of surfaces? planar of any kind, parallel, opposite or very far away?

If it should work every time (forget it) it seems easier to ask the user to create this point with the measurement tool and then complete the construction with your PowerCopy using this point as input (with a point naming rule it's even automatic).

I say all this because you could have for example integrated two points (Isolated) in contact stress each on a surface, then a distance constraint between these two points and then a formula retrieving for the value of this constraint the result of the previous (mini) measurement.

Unfortunately, the contact constraint is not limited to the surface (in the case of a flat surface), the point is actually in contact with an infinite plane confused with the flat surface. This means that it can be moved out of the box.

I'm not a macro specialist but the CATIA macro recorder doesn't record anything when ordering the measurement with the creation of the geometry so it's also badly engaged.


Proposed solution:

Input: Surface1-Surface2

In the PWC create the minimum distance measurement (as indicated by Franck): Dist_Mini

Make surface 1 offset of Dist_Mini+0.001mm (to guarantee intersection)

Make a filling of the "microcurve intersersection)

Create a Point parameter and apply the formula = CdG of the micro fill surface to it

Project the point on the surface 2  --> we have the first Point1

Project Point 1 onto the surface1 --> We have Point2

Of course this can only work if the minimum distance between two surfaces corresponds to two points (no line or multi intersection)

Kind regards
