CATIA V5: Calculate Stocks from a Machined Part

Hello everyone,

I am trying to determine the machining time of any part modeled on CATIA. For this, I need the volume of the crude used

I would like to see the software calculate directly the ideal stock according to the maximum dimensions according to each X, Y, Z axis, and displays it if possible in the cartridge of the plan.

I don't see how to do it, anyone have an idea?

Thank you for your help, have a good day;)


I don't know of a function corresponding to this in CATIA. For me, it is already necessary to determine the machining allowances necessary for the manufacture of the part in good conditions, taking into account the influencing parameters (stock tolerances, desired appearance of the machined part, casting defects which may require increasing the machining surplus in places, etc.). and I don't see CATIA doing that. But if I'm wrong and there's a solution, I'm all for it! 

Ditto I don't think Catia is able to do that, because simply to have a machining time you need to know the machine on which you are going to machine and therefore the diameter of the bits that equip it.

For your raw material, either a cube, a cylinder in general or a casting part that reduces this machining time.

Unless there is a ready-made function that allows you to create a basic volume around your part, I would say that it's up to you to create one with for example 5mm more on the 3 axes.

It also depends on the orientation of your part outside of machining.

Your workpiece cannot be crooked in the volume of the stock tone for 3-axis machining for example, even if your software gives you a smaller volume in this position.

To conclude:

1 - If Catia has an integrated CAD/CAM function, it is probably possible to determine a stock automatically (mandatory in CAD/CAM) but you also need the parameters/tools of the CNC that will do the machining.

2 - Otherwise you have to do it hand;) 

3 - Or simply it's not your job but that of the person who will machine your part.


I agree with you, far too many parameters are taken into account for the calculation of machining time. So I'm simplifying my work a bit:

I try to make automatic measurements according to the 3 axes of a Drawing or a Part, the maximum dimensions of the part as it is drawn. I'm not talking about machining allowances or tools used, I'd just like to extract the information from the drawing, and display it automatically on the plan.

A lazy job! :o

Thank you for your answers, I'm also looking on my side.