Catia V5, creer un drawing


As a new user of the Catia software, I am looking to make a drawing, preferably on the side, of a "complex" shape created in the surface. Even if I created a hybrid on part disign, I didn't manage to insert it into the layout of the "drawing" workshop 

Thank you for your help, slts.


Your problem is that you can't select a face in the part to determine it as a "front view" in your drawing?

Have you tried to select a plan?


I've tried, yes, but it doesn't work.

My latest attempts are:

 Add thickness to the CATshape file, then save as a .model file, and make it a "Drawing". But my files are not "linked", so all manip. force you to restart the mill.

And by integrating the CatSHAPE into a product and making a plan of that product?

I don't have the module, I can't test...

Edit: I have the module: I test

Can you send me your file?

I succeeded by selecting a line + a point

Attached is the file

Thanks for the help



Sorry, but here's the right file.




silly questions maybe but hey...

- why create your . Catshape and not in .catpart?

- If you manage to thicken or fill your shape, what is blocking you from going straight to drawing and having to make a .model?

In addition, the hybrid mode normally allows you to have the "2D" elements (points, lines, surfaces, ...) in the body of the part with the 3D instead of having them separated in a geometric set but does not influence the a priori drawing.

Good evening

I'm going to try again tomorrow. 

In hybrid mode I was able to output a ".catpart" but to make a draw, when I try to  "click" on a map of the "part" it doesn't work... I can create an isometric view, but no more. Not to mention a cup.

But I only have a few days of practice, and I'm having a bit of a hard time digesting the lack of automatism of this software.



In which version is your 2nd file? I can't open it in V5 R19...

Otherwise, have you tried to create 3 dots on your surface and then select them to give the orientation of the view. But I don't think it can help to make a cut...


The . CATShape are representation files?

If I get the construction hystoric in a CATPart no PB for the drawing.


I gave up on the idea of working with Catia...

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