CATIA V5: Creating a Guide Curve on a Surface


I want to create a "groove" profile on the contour of a part created on the surface. So for that, I need a guide curve.

I can't find the tool to transform my outline, which doesn't belong to a plane since it's created in the surface, to use as a guide curve.

Do you have a solution? The "curve" tool of the "Generative Shape Design" module asks me to define all the points where my curve will pass, but it does not pass precisely on all my edges... I would simply like to transform my edges into curves...

Thank you for your help.


What kind of license do you have on Catia? 

I'm not sure I understand your request but if I understood correctly, you just have to extract the edges of the profile to use and assemble them. A smoothing may be necessary.

Would you have the possibility to send a screenshot highlighting the curves you want to turn into a guide curve?

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Great, you just solved my request!! I worked 4 years on Pro E and I don't have the right reflexes... I was trying to redraw a curve from my edges.

In fact, I had to extract my bones to assemble them. When you don't look in the right place...

Thank you for your help

Looking forward to :)