'' Some occurrences of the function are disjoint and will not be created''


I want to model a pinion whose characteristics are as follows:

Number of teeth 16                     Module 1.5                Tooth width 10 mm

Head diameter 27 mm               original diameter 24 mm          foot diameter 20.25 mm

when I apply the "Circular Repeat" function, I receive the following message; '' Some occurrences of the function are disjoint and will not be created'' . I don't know what to do. Thank you



Can you attach a screen print or your room for us to take a look at?

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Screen Display


error message


Testing in copies of bodies

or front copy

at first 


A remark, when I change the number of sprockets to 18 I get the entire sprocket. No more error messages


I'm thinking of a simple thing which would be that the dimension of the cone is not at the right dimension and as in addition you ask for fusion of the bodies it must be missing a few tenths or hundredths for the pieces to touch

Indeed, you make a particular design choice, in general we make a disc and we add the teeth. What you do is very good but it requires absolute precision. In addition, you make a circular repetition of a function (which is a finite volume).

A trick changes the radius dimension that positions your cone in relation to the center. Decrease 1/10th by 1/10 towards the center and it should stick (if I dare say so)

Kind regards


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Copies of the body or the front do not work

This is what a copy of the body has given


when the copy is made from the front



Just a test: Remove the tip to avoid the singularity of the axis

Otherwise, with the play, it would be easier to look at the problem

Kind regards


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I was inspired by this link to model the sprocket in question.

Thank you for your interest in me


I join ZOZO,

Ditto, I would start with a cylinder and then with a removal of material and the repetition of the removal and that's it,... And that's how it makes a pinion in reality.

Kind regards.


Just to view click on this link or copy/paste


and this one directly on solidworks


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In screen2 it confirms what I thought about the fact that faces are not joined but it is @acombier 's remark (whom I welcome) that is the most relevant in my opinion.

In both cases, this shows that the shape to be duplicated does not have the right dimensions (let's say non-conforming geometry). Just duplicate two items to see the PB.

Kind regards

Hello felivat

Your error comes from the angle set for the "portion"; 10°

Now, 360° / 16 teeth = 22.5° per serving.

Edit the angle by 10° and replace its value with 22.5° and the circular repetition will then form a single body, closed and error-free.

Kind regards

1 Like

Hello Sylk, 

Thank you. Your proposal has solved my problem.

I thought the pressure angle is standard and it's 20°


The angle of pressure has nothing to do with it, the 22.5° is relative to the angular pitch between two teeth while the angle of pressure is relative to the angle formed by the line of pressure. It should be read the pressure angle between the leading and led teeth.

Here is an image for straight teeth

Kind regards




I hope that your sprocket represented in this way only serves you to make a semblance of a visual of the teeth because with the chosen drawing method it has no chance of resembling reality...

And +1 for Zozo_mp, you shouldn't confuse pressure angle with angular pitch.

Kind regards



@d.roger  YESiiiiiiii this can be seen with the naked   eye, especially at the top of the tooth  ;-)

