Fields on greyed backgrounds in note


As many have said, getting started with DraftSight is quite easy and I find that I am getting better and better. But there are often still questions that I don't know how to solve with tutorials and written help. Like what.


I have established a title block that I have established in my standard presentation sheets.


In this cartouche, I would have liked to introduce some automatic fields;

  • The date of creation, I don't have access to the various formats filled in, automatically, the program gives me a long version with name in English and the time.
  • I placed a "file name" field, but it is written with a gray background on the back which makes it quite difficult to read in a small format and less pleasing to the eye.


Thanks in advance


Bernard Spinoit


Can't you, by selecting the "file name" field, configure on the left pane, its color, its background etc etc.. ?



Can these videos help?


Or see these links

Hello to you both.


Thank you for the two videos that made me discover the function "define the attributes of a block" I will still watch the first one (the second  one is really long), but nothing about the color of a note background, when you introduce a field.

There is nothing next to it (left) that allows you to configure the background color.

More bizarrely, in a note that includes text and fields, the text is on a white background and the content of the fields (which are also automatic texts) are on a light gray background.


I put a small file to be more precise.


For the creation date, all formats have prohibited except one




use in the command line: SETDISPLAYOFFIELD then N for "no"


In a word, without accents...



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Thank you, it was very simple, but you had to know it.


It's still full of potential orders, of which only a very small number are used.

Where could we get an overview with a short sentence of explanation each time?


Thanks again


To answer the question where can we find the list of commands, it's more or less simple:


"Help" from Drafsight, in the index or search type "Order References". The list version will appear in alphabetical order.


Warning: To use these commands, you must type them in capital letters without accents. (Capitalization is not mandatory, it avoids putting accents mechanically).


For your information, some commands are a bit mistranslated, sometimes you have to try a little.


In the list are not all the variables, in this case, use an old Autocad LT doc. Also note (there are things to note) that some variables are not active in the free version, i.e. they seem to be working, but no. In the paid version, some do not work.


Otherwise, in a draftsight directory, there is a correspondence table (Autocad -> Drafsight translation) that groups together commands, but you need to know autocad well to find your way around.



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What's the trick then, I'm not understood!!!!