Impossible chamfer

On the attached piece (SW2012), I can't manage to make any chamfering or rounding on the corners of the 3rd return.

A lead?


One clarification: I have the impression that it's related to the fold.

i.e., on the same piece with the full edge fold, I don't have the problem.

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By unfolding this problem fold and then making the chamfer and folding it?


I don't know why it doesn't work.

I managed to take some time off by redoing a fold on edge for the third fold.

I'm attaching a screenshot because it's 2015.

Kind regards.


Either pass through broken corners or normal material removal.


I've never had this error on sheet metal no matter the fold.


The only thing that is required is that the dimension of the fillet or chamfer does not touch the bend.


And why don't you edit the sketch of your folds?


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It must be done with material removal

and now it works by itself


@PL: it doesn't work
@remrem: If I understand correctly, did you redo the fold?
@Bart: the chamfer/rounding is 10 for a fold of 30
@fabrice: it's easier when the customer changes his mind to go from chamfer to rounded and vice versa (but I think for once I'm going to make an exception...)
@gt22: I had tried and couldn't hang the sketch

In conclusion, there must be some in my piece, for now I'm going to do it with Fabrice's method and if I'm really too annoyed, I'll do it again on another machine.

Just create a new plan and sketches

and via axes you symmetrical your removal of material

It's quite simple yet I understand where the problem is


@GT22: it is impossible for me to link my sketch to the existing geometry via constraints (collinear, coincidence, etc.). This is obviously a problem specific to this file...

What is the purpose of your sketch 15?

by the fact the sketch that SW decides to keep and I don't know why is the neutral fiber of the sheet metal

despite the fact that visually you're on one side

so it is even necessary in extrusion to do it by symmetry of material removal from the face to the neutral fiber

and after a symmetry ditto for the other side

not so simple in fact 

see the unfolded which am good

attached files under SW 2012

@+ ;-))




It is easier to take sketch 13 and take the leave on it

and it works very well


SW 2012 file

@+ ;-))


So sketch 15 was precisely to try to remove material.

As for your last solution, it's the one that fabrice.demont proposes...

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Yes I totally agree @ Fabrice Demont had given this walkthrough

That's also why I gave it a + 1 and I'm unfortunately the only one!

I had to test the different possibilities to understand the problem and the best solution

It is also true that sometimes the holes and elevations of material do not follow the unfolded

Already seen and reviewed

@+ ;-))

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