Chamfer on welded construction parts

I create a railing in welded construction and I have uprights that go up to the top tube
I have to put a chamfer, and it works. But I have the same part several times (a flat) and SW tells me that I have to create a chamfer function for each part (a story of multiple bodies)

Do you have a solution to be able to apply the chamfer in one go to all the parts

Thank you

Rather than making a chamfer (chamfer function), why not put it on the face of the first part and draw the material removal (sketch + material removal through all applied to the parts concerned).



as can be seen on the screen print; Your amounts are not the same. If they are the same, you could do a body repletion.


Hello @ac_cobra_427 ,
I think the chamfer was done on the first piece and not on the others.
Indeed, doing the first piece in its entirety (with chamfer and ...) and then a body repetition will be very fast.


Thank you for your answers, but: I use welded constructions, each upright is a profile
I can't do a repetition because I go around and there is no repetition that allows this by orienting the elements correctly

The upright is not a part in an assembly, it is a welded construction body, so I cannot edit it as such to remove material from it. It would work in the case of an assembly/parts

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Personally, I systematically go through a single part and an assembly, which allows me to avoid this problem and to be able to reuse the amount of the GC in another assembly. So I save time.

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Even in welded construction and therefore in multibodies, you can draw sketches on the faces of the elements and remove material.
It works well, I do it very often.

ok but each upright is a body, OK?
I remove material from the first upright, it doesn't do it on all uprights
I can't easily repeat the removal because I don't have a repeat feature that allows me to go around the GC

well I ended up doing a removal of material by sweeping, by going around my railing

a first full foot and then you juggle in linear and circular repetition for the angles and reorient your profile and you all have the same profiles

If I have to create several repetitions, I'm not interested
I create an optimized model that will serve as a basis for future projects, the idea is to optimize the design as much as possible

If it was for a single project I would have finished a long time ago :slight_smile:
but I found my solution (see message above)