Window change

Hi all

In a macro, launched from a part or assembly file, I open the associated plan. Then I create a new file name to save under 2 files. Process below

  1. Opening the plan
  2. Return to the part/assembly file
  3. Save As with the new file name
  4. Selecting the Plan Window
  5. Save As with the new file name

I don't know how to deal with window switching (step 2 and 4)

Would anyone know how to do that? I can't find anything on the internet :frowning:

thank you in advance :slight_smile:

There are several ways in my opinion to do your business:
copy the plan with FSO and change the plan ref

Use the Pack and Go feature...
Can you show your existing code it will be easier.
Otherwise something like:
Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(File, 3, 0, "  ", longstatus, longwarnings)
Set swDraw = swApp.OpenDoc6(File, 3, 0, "  ", longstatus, longwarnings)
opens the part or drawing as needed

Switch Documents Example (VBA) - 2022 - SOLIDWORKS API Help

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On the macro proposed by @sbadenis , I added a function to prevent the selection of components from a repetition... (this posed some problems...)

'On determine si le composant selectionné fait partie d'une repetition ou non...

Dim swCompPatterned As String
swCompPatterned = swComp.IsPatternInstance() 'TRUE Si le composant fait partie d'une repetition FALSE si ce n'est pas le cas
If swCompPatterned = "Vrai" Then
MsgBox ("Erreur, le composant selectionné fait partie d'une repetition."), vbOKOnly, "Erreur -> Repetition..."
Exit Function
End If

Apart from this personal addition, this macro has become a "Must" for our design design.

Kind regards.

Thank you all for your answers.

Here's my code for now. there is a big block that allows you to reconstitute the name of the file to be saved under with the new index (yes no PDM :sob:, the index of our parts are in the file name)

Dim swApp As Object

Dim Part As Object
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long

Sub NouvelleRev()

Dim swApp           As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel         As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim Filepath           As String
Dim FileName           As String
Dim FileName2          As String
Dim FileName3          As String
Dim FilepathDrw        As String
Dim RevFile            As String

Dim NomFichierPlan     As String
Dim NomFichierPiece    As String

Dim ExtFichier         As String

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

' Contrôle du type de fichier ouvert

If (swModel Is Nothing) Or (swModel.GetType = 3) Then

    swApp.SendMsgToUser ("Macro utilisable à partir d'une pièce ou d'un assemblage uniquement.")
     'Si mauvais format de fichier ouvert alors on ferme la macro
    Exit Sub

End If

' Ouverture du plan associé à la pièce/asm concerné

Filepath = swModel.GetPathName
FileName = Right(Filepath, Len(Filepath) - InStrRev(Filepath, "\"))

If swModel.GetType = 1 Then 'fichier pièce
    FileName2 = Replace(FileName, ".SLDPRT", ".SLDDRW")
ElseIf swModel.GetType = 2 Then 'fichier assemblage
    FileName2 = Replace(FileName, ".SLDASM", ".SLDDRW")
End If

FilepathEnCours = Replace(Filepath, FileName, "")
FilepathDrw = FilepathEnCours & FileName2

'Indice du plan
If swModel.GetType = 1 Then 'fichier pièce
    FileName = Replace(FileName, ".SLDPRT", "")
ElseIf swModel.GetType = 2 Then 'fichier assemblage
    FileName = Replace(FileName, ".SLDASM", "")
End If

RevFile = Right(FileName, Len(FileName) - InStrRev(FileName, "-"))

'Ouverture du plan associée au document ouvert
Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(FilepathDrw, 3, 192, "", longstatus, longwarnings)

' Nouvel Indice
Dim NewRevFile As String
NewRevFile = Chr(Asc(RevFile) + 1)

' Enregister sous du fichier pièce
'Création du nom du fichier pour la fonction "enregistrer sous"
FileName3 = Left(FileName, 7)

If swModel.GetType = 1 Then 'fichier pièce
    ExtFichier = ".SLDPRT"
ElseIf swModel.GetType = 2 Then 'fichier assemblage
    ExtFichier = ".SLDASM"
End If

'Nom du fichier plan final
NomFichierPlan = FilepathEnCours & FileName3 & "-" & NewRevFile & ExtFichier

' Enregistrer sous nouvelle révision du fichier pièce
longstatus = Part.SaveAs3(NomFichier, 0, 0)

' Enregister sous du fichier plan
'Création du nom du fichier pour la fonction "enregistrer sous"
FileName3 = Left(FileName, 7)

Dim ExtFichierPlan As String

If swModel.GetType = 3 Then 'fichier plan
    ExtFichierPlan = ".SLDDRW"
End If

'Nom du fichier plan final
NomFichierPlan = FilepathEnCours & FileName3 & "-" & NewRevFile & ExtFichierPlan

' Enregistrer sous nouvelle révision du fichier pièce
longstatus = Part.SaveAs3(NomFichier, 0, 0)

End Sub

I'll test your proposal right away @sbadenis

For the hint I also use a macro here is the part that might interest you, I'm not sure it's the cleanest code but it's perfectly functional, I only put you the useful part because I have a read-only setting of the hinted piece, I hide the old hint and I pass it in a certain color as well so I'm attaching you only the interesting part:

Function incrementationIndicePlan()
    Debug.Print "   Function incrementationIndicePlan lancé"
   'on vérifie si un indice est existant et on sauvegarde l'ancien
    OldIndice = Indice
    Debug.Print "OldIndice:" & OldIndice
    'Maj 2023-06-12 Si Indice = " " on force l'Indice pour avoir la valeur A
    If Indice = "" Or Indice = " " Then
        Indice = "A"
        Debug.Print "Indice non existant- Indice passe à:" + Indice
        Debug.Print "OldIndice:" & OldIndice
        Indice = Chr$(Asc(Indice) + 1)
        Debug.Print "Indice:" + Indice
        Debug.Print "OldIndice:" & OldIndice
    End If
    Set fso = VBA.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    path = Filepath + Compteur + Indice + Extension
    Debug.Print "Path:"; path
    'On vérifie que l'indice que l'on veux créer n'existe pas déjà
     If Dir(path) <> "" Then
     MsgBox "Le fichier " & path & " existe déjà. Création de cet Indice refusé."
     End If
    'on modifie les propriétées Indice et Nom_Fichier
    Set swCustProp = swModel.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("")
    bRet = swCustProp.Add3("Indice", swCustomInfoType_e.swCustomInfoText, Indice, swCustomPropertyAddOption_e.swCustomPropertyDeleteAndAdd)
    Debug.Print "Propriété Indice:" & Indice
    bRet = swCustProp.Add3("Nom_Fichier", swCustomInfoType_e.swCustomInfoText, Compteur + Indice, swCustomPropertyAddOption_e.swCustomPropertyDeleteAndAdd)
    'Debug.Print "Propriété Nom_Fichier:" & Compteur + Indice
    'On enregistre la nouvelle pièce ou assemblage
    swModel.SaveAs3 "" & path & "", 0, 0
    'On vérifie l'existance de la MEP associé
    PathMep = Filepath + Compteur
    Debug.Print Filepath + Compteur & OldIndice; ".SLDDRW"
    If Dir(PathMep & OldIndice & ".SLDDRW") <> "" Then
        Call fso.CopyFile(PathMep & OldIndice & ".SLDDRW", PathMep & Indice & ".SLDDRW")
        Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
        'On change la référence du nouveau plan par la pièce ou assemblage avec le nouvel Indice
        Call swApp.ReplaceReferencedDocument(PathMep & Indice & ".SLDDRW", PathMep & OldIndice & Extension, PathMep & Indice & Extension)
    Debug.Print "Pas de Mep"
    End If
End Function
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Hi all

I couldn't get back to you sooner but here is the result.

Dim swApp As Object

Dim Part As Object
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long

Sub NouvelleRev()

Dim swApp           As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel         As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim Filepath           As String
Dim FileName           As String
Dim FileName2          As String
Dim FileName3          As String
Dim FilepathDrw        As String
Dim RevFile            As String
Dim FilepathEnCours As String

Dim NomFichierPlan     As String
Dim NomFichierPiece    As String

Dim ExtFichier         As String

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

' Contrôle du type de fichier ouvert

If (swModel Is Nothing) Or (swModel.GetType = 3) Then

    swApp.SendMsgToUser ("Macro utilisable à partir d'une pièce ou d'un assemblage uniquement.")
     'Si mauvais format de fichier ouvert alors on ferme la macro
    Exit Sub

End If

' Ouverture du plan associé à la pièce/asm concerné

Filepath = swModel.GetPathName
FileName = Right(Filepath, Len(Filepath) - InStrRev(Filepath, "\"))

    If swModel.GetType = 1 Then 'fichier pièce
            FileName2 = Replace(FileName, ".SLDPRT", ".SLDDRW")
        ElseIf swModel.GetType = 2 Then 'fichier assemblage
            FileName2 = Replace(FileName, ".SLDASM", ".SLDDRW")
    End If

FilepathEnCours = Replace(Filepath, FileName, "")
FilepathDrw = FilepathEnCours & FileName2

'Indice du plan
    If swModel.GetType = 1 Then 'fichier pièce
            FileName = Replace(FileName, ".SLDPRT", "")
        ElseIf swModel.GetType = 2 Then 'fichier assemblage
            FileName = Replace(FileName, ".SLDASM", "")
    End If

RevFile = Right(FileName, Len(FileName) - InStrRev(FileName, "-"))

'Ouverture du plan associée au document ouvert
Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(FilepathDrw, 3, 1, "", longstatus, longwarnings)

If Part Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "Il n'existe pas de plan associé à ce fichier!"

Exit Sub

End If

' Nouvel Indice
Dim NewRevFile As String
NewRevFile = Chr(Asc(RevFile) + 1)

' Enregistrement sous du fichier pièce

Set swDraw = swApp.OpenDoc6(Filepath, 1, 128, "", longstatus, longwarnings)

'Création du nom du fichier pour la fonction "enregistrer sous"
FileName3 = Left(FileName, 7)

    If swModel.GetType = 1 Then 'fichier pièce
            ExtFichier = ".SLDPRT"
        ElseIf swModel.GetType = 2 Then 'fichier assemblage
            ExtFichier = ".SLDASM"
    End If

Dim NomFichier3D As String

NomFichier3D = FilepathEnCours & FileName3 & "-" & NewRevFile & ExtFichier

Dim EnregistrementFichier As Long

' Enregistrer sous nouvelle révision du fichier pièce
EnregistrementFichier = swModel.SaveAs3(NomFichier3D, 0, 0)

Call EnregistrementPlan

MsgBox "Job done!"

End Sub

Sub EnregistrementPlan()

Dim swApp           As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel         As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim Filepath           As String
Dim FileName           As String
Dim FileName2          As String

Dim FilepathDrw        As String
Dim RevFile            As String
Dim FilepathEnCours As String

Dim NomFichierPlan     As String

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

Set swDraw = swApp.OpenDoc6(Filepath, 3, 192, "", longstatus, longwarnings)

'Nom du fichier
Filepath = swModel.GetPathName
FileName = Right(Filepath, Len(Filepath) - InStrRev(Filepath, "\"))

FilepathEnCours = Replace(Filepath, FileName, "")

' Nouvel Indice
RevFile = Right(FileName, Len(FileName) - InStrRev(FileName, "-"))
Dim NewRevFile As String
NewRevFile = Chr(Asc(RevFile) + 1)

'Nom du fichier
FileName2 = Left(FileName, 7)
NomFichierPlan = FilepathEnCours & FileName2 & "-" & NewRevFile & ".SLDDRW"

Dim EnregistrementFichier As Long

EnregistrementFichier = swModel.SaveAs3(NomFichierPlan, 0, 512)

End Sub

My code is most certainly optimizeable (but I don't really know how to do it) but it has the merit of working. :slight_smile:

Thank you again for your help

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