Change of language on the forum: give us your feedback!

Hi all

The forum is now available in several languages: French, English and German :partying_face:
You will be able to exchange with users from other countries without language constraints!
Write in your language and your question/answer will be automatically translated! If the question has been translated, you have the option to view it in the original language;

Take it for a test and give us your feedback! If you have any recommendations, please do not hesitate to send them to us :slight_smile:

Have a nice day!


It would be desirable to be able to identify the original language of messages:
For example (just above) Microsoft translates " Bravo " as " brave "...!!
I wonder how this message will be translated for the time being...

… (I have my answer...) =>

… There are some shortcomings... :upside_down_face:

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The Translation API automatically detects the input language, and then translates the typed text from its detected language to the 3 languages available on the Forum (FR, EN and DE).

This process is done automatically from end to end, we don't have the hand to improve it since it's Microsoft APIs, we are aware that the translation will never be perfect, but this more than does the trick.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Clearly. Because translating " Bravo " as " courageous "... It's a shame for the 1st example of the forum :rofl: :rofl:

Hey, they would say me during my baccalaureate exams about English!! Since I'm in mecha and not in language, I think everyone can deduce my level at the time :sweat_smile:


Hello Coralie,
It would also be good to add Spanish !! NO!!!??? :wink: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello @A.R
Maybe soon :wink:

Worthy of the epic early years of Google Translate. :rofl: I imagine that Microsoft was able to get its hands on these old algorithms :smirk:

And at the same time, we had to dare, so it's true that it's brave :relieved:

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