Name change and repetition


I have to change the names of the rooms regularly. No problems with handling. On the other hand, I noticed that the software did not change the name of files created by symmetry and repetition of any kind. I end up with nomenclatures with old names. 

What I tried:

Open the repeat function and revalidate it --> unnecessary

Remove the repeat function and recreate it --> it works but it's a waste of time.


Do you have better? An option to validate?



Do you use 'pack and go' for your copies??

Because logically with this tool you can rename all the files (so your symmetrical parts too).

Not 100% sure that the renamed symmetrical part refers to your new part/assembly though (and that's a pain)

My problem is that it doesn't rename the configurations...

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This is not a pack and go setting.

I'm working on an assembly and I need to make name changes.


So you can make a pack & go of the part/assembly that needs to be renamed. Then in your assembly you replace your old part with the new -> SW will update the repetitions / symmetries that are in your assembly

If you're brave, you can even create all your copies in one pack &go on your main assembly (you rename different parts/assemblies with different names).

NB: you can make a pack & go of an assembly without copying the said assembly: there are checkboxes for all the files so you can copy/rename what you want very precisely


or even use "rename" which allows you to keep the links with your assembly.

Thank you for your proposals, unfortunately it's not what I'm looking for. A pack and go when you have three pieces running after it is fine. I have a project of more than 100 pieces. Making a pack and go every time I rename is too expensive.

On the other hand, I just discovered one thing. 

On the most recent version of the software in another box I just did a test and the renaming of a part used in a symmetry and other repetition leads to the modification of the name in the symmetries after a question from the software.

It doesn't work at my work which is on the sp 1 2020.

So I wonder if it's a simple question of a version with a patch during the year or a software adjustment?

Thank you

Another discovery that says part says plan... and of course if I change a name of the pieces, the drawings are in the cabbage... I found a solution that wasn't too complicated. After the name change, I save the part, then I open the drawing corresponding to the old name and I save as with the new name. The link is there again. If you have faster I'm interested.

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There must be a bug in your version because I never noticed this behavior.

For the link with the drawing: to do before renaming the part, open the master assembly, rename the drw file with windows, open it, rename the part (by save as), save the drw and the asm.

I have not yet tested the "integration" of Solidworks Explorer with Windows. But with Soidworks Explorer, you can rename a part and have the links follow (and it can be faster than the previous method if there are not too many files in the working directory). Logically with the new version, it should be close.