Change from "hybrid design" to "normal design" option


Recently, I decided to switch to normal design in CATIA.

On the other hand, all the bodies of the parts of the assemblies I had made in the past have become yellow. That's how CATIA shows the creation mode chgt.

Besides this visual detail, can it cause me problems when I reuse all the parts I had made before changing this "hybrid" option to "normal"?

In other words, I hope that this change will not bother me too much to reuse all the models I had created before this chgt.

Thank you in advance for your advice


As a reminder, the identification of the design mode of the normal hybrid bodies.

There is no PB to work with Hybrid and non-Hybrid parts in an assembly.

I don't recommend mixing Hybrid and normal mode in the same CATPart.

Part designed in Hybrid mode: Even  if you can modify or continue the design in normal mode in a hybrid body, I don't recommend mixing Hybrid and normal mode in the same body.

It is preferable to activate the hybrid mode to modify a hybrid body (Be careful, the option remains active, remember to deselect it before creating or modifying a normal part).



Thank you Franck for your answer. She still clarifies points that were unclear to me.

See you soon