I just set up a static simulation, everything goes well. I'd like to export the report that goes with it, except that I don't have word, only openoffice.
I have solidworks Prenium 2018
Do you know if it is possible to change the default software?
Like max59, I think it's not possible, Solidworks is indeed "married" with Excel and Word and doesn't work with OpenOffice, LibreOffice or Office Starter as already announced on the post https://www.lynkoa.com/questions/probleme-entre-excel-et-solidworks, the question was about SW 2013 but, to my knowledge, there has been no evolution on this point.
Normally word files are readable with open office if I'm not mistaken.
What you need to know is that solidworks generates the report file without having to resort to Word itself. Which is handy when you don't have Word croc$oft
The trick (to check with the attachment in the following message) is that if you don't ask in the options to see the document, it puts the document in word format in the chosen directory. (without opening Word).
Give it a try and keep us informed with the file I generated for you (you 'll find the report file in the next message)
@Zozo_mp, Solidworks generates the report using Word but in invisible mode. This can be seen simply by looking at what happens in the Windows processes during the generation of the report (and this even by unchecking the option to display the report after publishing), the Winword process is launched at the beginning of the report generation and then stopped at the end of it:
In fact d.roger is right. SW uses Microsoft's APIs to generate its reports. As proof, the error message mentions the instantiation of Word and confirms that Word must be installed.
So to sum up, it's impossible to use anything other than Word because SW drives the application through its APIs to create the reports.
There are different backup options. It is very likely that this will not work to generate the file (since Word-viewer is probably only a viewer ): but it is worth trying for AbiWord and maybe WPS.
On the other hand, you may need to indicate something in SW because I've never tried.