Changing the Units of a Drawing (Beginner's Error)

Hello everyone,

I made a drawing with metric units and when I wanted to integrate my part into a set I detected that the drawing had mm as a unit when I should have been in cm... It's stupid huh. Can we modify the units of the drawing without redoing everything (factor 10 to be introduced at the level of the ribs), is there a macro please, I haven't found it on the forum (slw 2014)

Thank you for your enlightenment

Kind regards



I'm attaching a pdf file, I have explained everything in pictures

I hope that its will help and that it has not changed too much from the 2014 version

Good afternoon


Hello Centor,

Thank you for your answer, but I know how to do this and when I do this  afterwards I am forced to take all the ribs to multiply them by 10 (because in fact when I sized to 100 (mm) in fact I wanted 100 cm and so by making this change of unit the 100 mm goes to 10 cm but I would like 100 cm that's why I was thinking of a macro. Do you understand my problem?

Thank you anyway for your answer and I think I'll be forced to take all my ribs back

Kind regards


Hello again,

In fact, I found a solution that may not be the best but that works without doing too many alterations.

1) I created a part family file by selecting all the dimensions

2) I multiplied the dimensions by a factor of 10 in the Excel table (and I rushed a bit because I had angles that shouldn't move...)

3) reconstruction of my drawing and resumption of the angles I had modified (3 values) to find a drawing to scale I wanted.

4) deletion of the part family file which is no longer useful to me.

That's a beginner's mistake corrected at a lower cost!

Thank you to all of you, cordially



You can use the scale function to change the scale of the room...



Thank you for this feedback that I just tried but it doesn't suit me because the scale function changes the size of the drawing but does not intervene on the sides of the drawing but I made the wrong unit and I therefore want to multiply the dimensions of the drawing by 10 (factor between mm and cm). Indeed, believing that I was in the unit of cm, I entered the values in correspondence, but as in reality I was in mm, my ribs were 10 times smaller than my need.

Thank you however for introducing me to this function that I didn't know

Kind regards


I don't understand why the ladder function didn't meet your needs?


Well, if you apply a scale factor of 10; when you change your ribs in mm they will follow in cm....



No beginner's mistake because practice makes you strong at swearing!

Kind regards

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Hi all

Thank you for the comforting note from Zozo_mp ;)

I reviewed the scale function and indeed it seems to respond but there is something I don't understand; After applying the scale factor of 10, my part has the dimensions I wanted, however I am a little disturbed because if I go back to the sketch they are still the original dimensions!! Is it because the sketch function predates the application of the scale function? And in this case, when I go to make a plan of my part, the dimensions will take into account my scale factor?

If that's the case, indeed the scale function is perfectly fine (thanks AC-COBRA) on the other hand if one day I want to modify my initial sketch I will have to remind me of this modification ... but it's manageable.

Attached is a test of the scale function with the preview of the original sketch with the original dimensions that have not changed on the sketch, but the solid has changed

Thank you all, cordially



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Hello @ Ac cobra

Do you have an explanation because I had never noticed what @midou.24 describes?

Kind regards


For the dimensioning it is normal since you apply a scale of 10 to your piece and not to the sketch; on the other hand you can also apply a scale factor to your sketch (first you will have to remove your dimensions from the sketch) by going to Tools==>Sketching Tools==>scale, then after these you can change your units normally.

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Hello Ac cobra,

Thanks for this new information, I have tested this function at the sketch level and I have some difficulties understanding the function in relation to the available parameters. Indeed it creates a new sketch at the desired scale but the original sketch is kept ... However, this may be normal because it leaves the opportunity to delete the initial sketch or to  resume the handling in case of error! mystery but hey it gets a thorn out of my side ... thank you again

Have a great weekend
