Change the default extension of a BOM file



In Pro/E Wildfire 5, the default extension when saving a BOM file is a .bom

It is possible to open this format with a simple text editor but I would like to save the file directly in .txt




From windows, have you tried to open the file with Notepad or equivalent?

Yes, as I say, it works with a Notepad or Wordpad type text editor, even when changing the extension on windows, it works.


But I want to save it directly in txt.


In fact, it's when I send it to people who don't know this extension, they don't know how to open it and I want to avoid these manipulations of changing extensions.



Why not send in image format everyone can see an image

and nothing prevents you from copying and transferring it to the type of log at their convenience (excel etc....)

@+ ;-)

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I'm not a Pro/E expert but you can make a nomenclature in drawing and export it directly in .csv format, right?                   


There is the CSV format as said @fthomas and also the TBL format. it corresponds to the format of the templates

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I don't know if it's possible directly in pro/e.
On the other hand, if it works by changing the extension directly on Windows, you should be able to make a .bat file using the command: rename *.bom *.txt

It's a bit of a hassle but much faster than doing it by hand.


The problem with images is that copying and pasting them is no longer possible.


@fthomas, Tomalam

Yes, it is possible, but it is heavier and file extensions are also complicated.



It's a solution, however, (and I didn't mention it), the extension is additionally incremented by a .1 or .2 etc depending on the number of records. And Windows, it recognizes that the extension after the last point.


To conclude, the choice of extension is not possible and you have to go through a hack/trick to have a simple text file.


Thank you



In this case, you should use: rename *.bom.* *.txt

The .bom extension will stay before the .txt but it opens well with the notepad.