Change the material of a read-only part

We have read-only library parts, and these parts can take on multiple materials depending on the needs
Apart from providing configs for all the materials, how can I use the library part and define a material for it every time since the assembly?

Thank you


No other possibilities to my knowledge except to have a file by subject otherwise



Your answer is contained in your question: By using the configurations (Room Family+Display Status).
That said, I advise you to create a new family for each material, which is easier to manage.

Kind regards.


Thank you for your answers!

@Maclane : You're talking about creating a new family for each material, we agree that you're not talking about a family of parts? You can't create several in a room. So you're talking about creating a piece by material, as Cyril says?

FYI it's already what we have but I find it quite boring in fact lol, the part remains the same and it's only the material that changes. Hence my initial question

Hello @cedric_keiflin ,

Stupid and unsavory method: you insert your library piece into another room whose material you can define as you wish:

The ideal is still the configs on the library piece (which you need to have write access to as a result)

ok thanks, but it doesn't simplify the work, which is my basic idea
I'm going to start with a part that contains the configs with all the materials, when possible

Thank you all for your answers