Change Custom Properties

Is there an interface (MyCad, Windows, Other) to modify the custom properties of a SW file without opening it?
The objective is to modify properties in bulk (the Description for example) but which changes with each document.

=> it was possible with the old versions via the explorer (Property>Customize)


I don't use it, but it seems to me that BatchProperties does.

Kind regards


We must also look at Integration ...


BatchProperties does not allow this modification in a simple mass way.
For Integration, it's also a rather cumbersome task...

The objective is to be able to visualize/rectify properties at the end of the project without opening each room one by one...
If there is a spelling mistake or if she is absent, for example

It seems to me that SwExplorer allowed it at the time, before becoming ProjectExplorer

To be seen according to the number of files concerned: I create a bogus asm in which I throw all the parts of the project in bulk, I then make an MEP with just a view to create a nomenclature. Obviously, if you already have an asm that has all the parts (no config that deletes parts), you can use it (parts mode BOM only).

The BOM displays the properties to be checked.
It is then easy to sort and copy and paste on an area of cells.

The only drawback is that it creates config-specific values, even if there's only one config.
It can be tricky later on.

I just saw that SmartBom had a "enable property editing" checkbox.
It's not ideal because you can't sort the columns easily, but it allows you to modify the cells quickly.


The solution proposed by @warner  works perfectly and seems to me the most appropriate for your request.

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My answer comes a little late, for my part I use datarecovery.

The modification is done via an excel spreadsheet

On the other hand, we can only work by file.

Smartbom is also a good solution.



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