Remote charging

Hi all

Can you explain the difference between "rigid" and "distributed" "remote loading"?

Thank you


Rigid means that the beam is infinitely rigid and therefore you will normally have very important constraints at the junction with your 3D model. This also stiffens the contact surfaces on your 3D model.
Distributed is often closer to reality (your binding surface will deform a little with this assumption as a result).
The simulation aid must explain this well.

Thank you for your clarifications.
The help of solidworks is sometimes not always very clear!

On the same subject I have another question:

The difference between the possible choices of "distributed":

  • Constant default
  • linear
  • quadratic
  • cubic

Thank you very much

To fully understand what this represents, the easiest way is to do a test on a simple part (a sheet metal fixed on the outside with a rectangle corresponding to the connection area in the center for example) and to do the calculations with the 4 assumptions + the rigid connection

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