Choose the shots you want to see and hide the others


I would like to be able to display only the maps I need and hide all the others that interfere with the readability because of their numbers.

Do you know how to do it or do you have a trick, I couldn't find anything in the help.

Thank you


If you are talking about layers in a drawing, see attachment.


No, I'm talking about 3D plans, not 2D layers

There is no 3D plan

the plans are always in 2D

simply the view can be iso

and the plans are the image of your parts and assembly which are 3D

in X views according to your choice



I think these are the reference planes.

You have to turn off, one by one, those that bother you.
If you are in an ASM, you can do this at the room level.


Sorry, I misunderstood the question.

Indeed, as Stefbeno says, by doing it manually and one by one, there is no other solution to hide the reference planes of several parts in an assembly.

gt22 , There is no 3D plan????  o_O

And the "front, top and right shots" are not shots?

Thank you Stefbeno and Rim-b, not cool 1 by 1 :-(


I use the selection filter "Clip filter" to hide all the visible clips at once.

Depending on my needs in a room I use the display states or the folders.


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Franck.ceroux: I tried but I have to select the shots 1 by 1, the selection/capture window doesn't take them. 

In a room it works.

It's that you're in an assembly then.

In the assembly I don't display the plans (show - hide/show - plans)


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yes I persist a plan

it is a flat representation

even if it is quite possible

to have X views

right side, left, up, under, isometric etc...

on 2D autocrad or any other 2D log

you also have the same  possibilities to have the same type of views




Indeed I'm in an assembly and that's why it's annoying because all the plans of all the assemblies of 2nd level and more are displayed.

so I hide them 1 by 1 :-(


thank you anyway for trying ;-)

To avoid this problem, all our part and assembly models are hidden by default and we do the opposite, we only show the plan we want to display.

In large assemblies, this avoids weighing down only the assembly, while making it possible to select via the tree structure.


I understand but to align/constrain my pieces, I use the plans as much as possible, which forces me to show them. It's a method that I find more reliable than face/edge/point life constraints but which therefore has its limits/disadvantages.

Hey Mr. Solidworks, you won't add a command "show/hide all plans except.... " :-)

I do a lot of constraint with the plans as well but instead of selecting them in the 3D view I will look for them in the tree (featuremanager). This is almost as fast but avoids the display of many unpalatable plans in an assembly.