Choosing in constraint references


I have created stress references in a screw, the latter can go either a smooth hole or a slotted hole, so two types of stresses, when inserting the part into the assembly, how do I tell it to choose this or that type of stress references?

See my image, it only takes the references contained in "Smooth hole" and I would like to be able to choose the slotted hole ones when I insert the part in an assembly

Thank you all.





The only way seems to me to be the creation of intelligent components via the toolbox.

During your assembly, if you have a tangency constraint, it will be valid regardless of the hole in which it is inserted.

You can either make an ordinary tangency (valid for both types of holes) or use an axis and a plane for the oblong and axis axis for the circular hole.

But the tangent constraint seems to me the easiest to implement, especially if you do a manual insertion with screws not from the toolbox (intelligent components)

Check here for more info if you don't already know these features

Kind regards



When you create the stress reference in the part that will receive the screw, you have to name it according to the case to be used, so that the software chooses the right one directly.

Hi Zozo, thank you.

I don't use the toolbox at all.

What does this have to do with smart components? These screws I also use to create holes (hence the smart component) but most of the time I insert it into an existing hole (smooth or oblong) (hence the stress references).

What's the point of being able to create several types of constraint references if you can't choose them? (see my image)

Pierre S, I didn't really understand, I don't create stress references in the part that receives the screw, these references are in the screw.

Hello maximus

The tangency stress is the stress that allows you to stress on both an oblong and a circular hole.

On the other hand, I didn't understand when you say ""created stress references in a screw, ""
For me, a so-called "smart" object puts itself in place (here it's your screw) when you present it in the home. I'm certain it works for smooth holes, but I've never tried for a screw in an oblong hole. But I don't see why it wouldn't work.

You will also have to look at the special mechanical constraints on the groove which also allow you to limit the travel of the screw in the groove (an oblong hole looks like a groove. Because to fix a screw in an oblong hole you need three constraints while with one groove you only need two. This also has the advantage that if your oblongs (grooves) are not all the same length you can define that they are in the center of the groove or that there is a mini game.

Sorry I can't help you more

Hi Zozo, stress references and smart components are two different things, the smart component will allow you to make holes and the stress references are used to position the screw in an existing hole

My question is rather how to select the different constraint references that are created, I come back to my image where there are two types of constraint references created.

But when inserting the screw into an assembly, by default it will take the first type and impossible to make it take the other.

Thank you;)

Hi everyone, I'm coming back to you for my request, anyone have an idea? 

To answer zozo, the tangency doesn't work because he takes the arc of the circle directly and he goes tangent (it's like making a concentricity).