Classification in the design tree;

Hello, I'm new to solidworks, I mainly work in folded sheet metal. I would like to know how to put order in the creation tree and group the different parts of my piece. For example, the pastes for fixing one part in one directory, the legs for another in another, etc. In order to be able to modify a part quickly without searching through a lot of offsets, extruded material or broken corners,... You get lost quickly I think.

I would also like to be able to make several configurations of my part for example junction with weld or bolons, rivets to retain the best idea at the end. 

I think my two questions are similar. I tried the directories but it generates errors and the entities of the tree don' t always move as I want


Thank you

Hello, which version are you in?

May the force be with you

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Hello sw 2018


You need to create folders: right click "create a folder" and you drag all the operations by type into it.

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Be careful, you can't move the "functions" as you want in relation to their dependencies. If you use a fold1 and then you make a fold 2 which is based on the geometry of fold 1 you will not be able to place fold 2 before fold 1.

For me there is only in an assembly that you can group as you don't want.

On the other hand, you can have a basic sheet metal folder common to all your variants and a folder for each variant grouping all the functions that compose it. (riveted backrest, welded backrest, bolt backrest..... ect) But in each folder your functions follow your order of creation. If they have no connection you can rework them, otherwise you won't be able to. (parent function before children)

To manage your different versions, you will just have to keep for each of them the basic or common sheet metal folder and a folder corresponding to the variant (welded, bolts, etc.).

After that, nothing prevents you from renaming each of your functions to find your way around. (left folds, front folds .....)



Thank you very much, I didn't have too much time to look into it today but I'll look at your tips. Thank you again.


I don't know if you've noticed but since 2017 when you click on a face of the coin SW opens a window with the history of the function that you can use as if you were in the creation tree so no need to search in the tree anymore. There is also another possibility is to place the functions you use the most in the favorites folder which is always at the top of the tree

may the force be with you.



