How to Area a Path to the Axis of a Sketch


I'm trying to make a drawing to the axis of a part, like the attached document, and as I have different thicknesses I can't use the "offset entities" function so I redraw the part by making landmarks to find the middle points..... Hence my question, is there a function that does this manipulation? it would be a huge time saver because of course I don't just have a letter to write :-)

Kind regards





Why can't you use offset entities.

Here is an example but perhaps your shapes are more complex. ???


Good evening


If you want one part offset and another part not offset Selected the segments has shifted and not the string

Extend Segments

Here is the result

Attached is the SW file in 2017 version

Is that what you wanted?




Good evening @stephane5

I would like to hear from @Yannick (whom I salute)  ;-)

That's why I drew an   R  because if not segment then the lines overlap.

On the other hand, depending on the complexity of the letter, you may have to make two distinct shifts, especially  for the R, the Y, etc...

Kind regards

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thank you for your answers, the problem I have with the offset function is that in the curve of the "D" to stay on the axis I don't have the same offset value to enter between the beginning, the middle and the end, that's where I have my problem

Well, for letters such as D

you do 2 inter exter shifts

and you optimize between the two

that is to say you create another trait


Hello Stephane_5

I understand better your PB ef indeed as the offset function in fact only works from one edge (and not the average distance of the two, so you can't use the offset function.

So what solution???
I'm going to think about it and see if my meager neurons want to come up with a solution without TRUMPing

Kind regards

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"I optimize" i.e. I redraw the route? In fact that's what I did in the attachment of my first message, I thought there was a magic function that did everything by itself lol. 

I found a solution to your problem

It's up to you to take your letters to create a volume with a 45° strip

and take over via a staggered plan the higher order via convert the entities

See attached image

@+ ;-)



it looks great this GT22, thank you, I'll test it right away.


@ stephane_5

In my opinion, this is the only solution, especially if the inter and exter sketches

are not proportional

@+ ;-)


Hello, what's the point of being at the center? machining center tools? If this was the case and you wanted to find the same final shape, you would need a Z deeper on the curve and proportional to the position to widen the line (in the case of a 45° wick engraving)


Kind regards

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Hello @FUZ3D

Indeed good question what is the point. On the other hand , to make right angles with a 45° wick you will have to explain to me how to do it.

@GT22 bravo ! you are fortunate (and intelligent it shows) we see that you master the surface because it gets you used to ethereal representations in space

Kind regards

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like  @FUZ3D and @Zozo

I don't understand the point  of this axis but why not

The author of the question will tell us the why and the how

@ + ;-)

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First of all, thank you all for your answer and after a few tests the GT22 solution solves my problem, I just have a few small problems on the connections between some right ends, but it's nothing at all to correct afterwards compared to the time saved with this solution.

Then the purpose of having this axis trace is that I work in the advertising sign and this axis path allows me to make a double offset to create a groove that receives LEDs for a backlight, I post the finished result



Thank you for the enlightening  explanation ;-)  ;-)



Ah ba here everything is clear^^