How to animate a cable chain


I have a mobile trolley on rails. It is electrically connected by cables mounted in a cable chain. This chain has one end fixed to the ground and the other attached to the trolley. How do you animate this chain when the trolley moves? Thank you for any info.

Hello Yves.

Which version of solidworks?

An effective but quickly tedious method:

and since 2015 it seems to me that you can put constraints directly on a trajectory


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What is the course of your cable chain

See these tutorials among others




For your information, the  trajectory constraint has existed at least since the 2012 version, see here:

But for this problem, if the chain is an assembly, I think you just have to put it in a flexible subset for the animation to be done.

Otherwise, for me the easiest way is to make two configurations of the carriage positions: in itself the animation doesn't bring anything, we just want to display the positions of the components in stop.

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