How to Associate a Drawing Sheet with a BOM

Hi all.

I encounter a small difficulty.

I have an assembly set up, and I've created a drawing. The drawing file contains multiple sheets for each configuration, and each configuration has its own bill of materials.

On each sheet there are lots of views with bubbles and so I have to associate each view to the nomenclature so I would like to be able to associate all the views in a single manipulation rather than view by view because there are a lot of them. 

Good evening Fabrice

When you say [[ the drawing file contains multiple sheets ]] do you mean multiple layers or some other way of doing it?

For example one sldrw per config.

Kind regards

@Zozo_mp: This is a multi-folio plan.

We do this commonly, you have to right-click on the view concerned/property. In the window that appears, at the bottom left, there is a "Bubbles" box where you can choose the table to use.

Similarly for the title block, by right-clicking/property in an empty area of the sheet, one can choose the template that will provide the custom properties to fill the title block.



sorry for my late return.

So as Steffeno figured out, this is a .sldrw file with multiple folios. I proceed just like you to link the bubbles but that's precisely what bothers me, there are lots of views in each sheet. The idea was to link all the views at the same time (by selecting all the views, it didn't work).


the method to be used is Stefbeno's. there is no other one that I know of.

On the other hand, it seems to me that if the BOM is created before the views, they automatically link to the BOM.

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Indeed, to my knowledge and to my great regret, there is no possibility of associating several views to a nomenclature in a single operation.

A macro should be able to do the job, if we start from the basis that we associate the views of a board with a nomenclature.

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Same:  I have an assembly configured, and I created a drawing, the drawing file contains several sheets for each configuration but the problem is when I click on  "save" SW asks  me several "rebuilds" and in addition "update all sheets" each time.

Isn't there a solution to make this more convenient? 

Kind regards