How to calculate flow rates


I regularly see questions about the construction of the flows.

On a project in progress I have a lot of square Alu profile 15 x15, 20x20, etc... Obviously they are not all the same length. But for each length I have a different reference (one ref per length).

Obviously with the nomenclature I know how many I have per reference. And to find out how much I can do per bar, a simple division in excel with a formula with a condition and presto, it's done.

But reading you, I have the impression that there is another method, a little less "Gaulish"

To read you, dear colleagues,

Kind regards


I remember that in mycadtools  (old version), there is an application that calculates all this automatically, but I can't find it, it was called cut... Something.

I search and I tell you ... ok @+.


Thank you @A.R   :-)

That's it, I found it called  "cuttingOptimization" in the mycadtools 2019 toolbar, but I don't have time to re-test it...

You open coins, you put them in and ok, that's it... Be careful I haven't tested this version ...

I'll like you informer...@+ good weekend.



before it was beamcutout. Now it's cuttingOptimization. For mycadtools tools.

edit: with everyone connected to the box, it's rowing to death! sorry for the duplicate.

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To complete 


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Hello zozo_mp,

I use logibarre which is really not bad.

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Hello @ac cobra 427     ;-)

Do you have any idea of the price of logibarre because I am no longer subscribed to  mycadtools 2019. I looked at their site, there are some very interesting things for other software.

Kind regards


Hi @ Zozo 

You also have this opticoupe log

See the link


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@ To all

Thank you guys, it's great ;-)

but looking at it I still have the impression that the one that is the most integrated (the most direct) is "CuttingOptimisation" but as I use this once all the bishops' deaths I would ultimately lean towards the least expensive and the one bought one shoot.

See you

Kind regards


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Well guys I thank you for answering very well : but you're cow with me because now I have a terrible dilemma.
How to choose the best answer knowing that I can't choose my question as the best answer and since there is no choice either to designate the best question either;-)    As long as I don't have respiratory distress with breathtaking answers.

Regards with my best coronoVABIANS


Hello, ac-cobra, I'm coming to you because I'm very annoyed I am looking for logibarre without success can you help me. Kind regards.

Hello everyone,

There is a " free " solution but it requires a little work from a computer scientist who knows a little JAVA. All you have to do is have the tool you like developed directly. I attach screens from my calculator that I had made by a computer scientist. The calculations are very simple and I don't claim to have an optimal result but it's already more reliable and faster than "manual " calculations.


Ability to generate a pdf flow sheet for your workshop

My answer doesn't directly provide a solution but I just wanted to tell you that if you have an IT department maybe that... Note that the application does not take into account cuts different from 90° and does not take into account the thickness of the cutting blade.

Have a nice day

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Another alternative.
With an excel for the thickness of the cut, have a good day.

If someone is a specialist in EXCEL programming, compared to LOGIBARRE I only lack the management of cutting angles that I can have from the SOLIDWORKS BOMs.
Thank you for the possible help, basically this EXCEL uses a macro available on CUTTING optimization or the notion of NESTING.

Model N°1 BARRE ISO optimisation.xls Profiles (82.5 KB)


For me nothing integrated directly on SolidWorks :frowning:

For a quick costing of a project I use a calculation note
OF GX086.xlsx (579.2 KB)

For the execution of a project I use MaxCut2 (It's for everything that works with sheet metal and panel)
But I use for the bars.

There's also SketchCut



I didn't know this software, I'm going to install it, otherwise thank you for your paintings which take up the operations of realization in the workshop, it's a clear support.
Have a nice day.


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