How to change a welded mechanic into a sheet metal part

Hi all

I am faced with a dilemma!

I have a welded mechanic frame, in angle of 40x40x2 which is 1200mm x 800mm. See attachment.

I would like to transform it into a sheet metal piece (or something else) to have its flat press with its 5 corner cuts. Like: /__\/____\/__\/____\

To integrate it into my drawing.

Is this possible? Is there another simple solution to achieve the same result?

Knowing that I have to recover the properties of the 40x40x2 angle for my flow table.

Thank you for your help.



If you made a 40x40x2 angle profile by extruding along a rectangle sketch, I'm not sure it's possible without going through the sheet metal functions.


Maybe you should make the background of your frame by sketching 2 frames one inside the other, the "folded base sheet" function thus creating in 3D the background, then on each external edge of your background make a folded sheet metal on edges.

This way, you'll have access to the unfolded.


See screenshot


Thank you for your answer,

That's not quite what I want.

I put another attachment from my old plan to realize what I need to have in the end.

The view made in wireframe (sketch) in green at the bottom left with the length of 3982.

This view is the "developed" of the L-frame of my chassis. To make cuts  at 45° and  90°.

As a result, you can "bend" the long length to have the frame.

Hoping my explanation is clear ;o).



Here's how to do it


Well I managed to tinker with something!

I made my frame in MS L of 40x40x2 to have it in my flow table.

On this same piece I made a sheet metal frame with the same cross-section and shape characteristics as my previous frame.

I do two internal configs to the room, a default config with my frame in MS. And another config with my sheet unfolded to have the view in the MEP.

That's it.

Here is the 3d version of SolidWorks 2016


Thank you ac cobra, That's what I  did to have my developed.

But I have to keep my mechanically welded next to it for the rest of my chassis, because in the end it's not a sheet metal part. :o)

Look in the feature manager, a grayed out part = another config. (sheet metal)

the ungreyed out part is the part that I have to keep for the whole process with EPDM.


Thank you for your help, we can say that the problem is solved with a pirouette.

Ok but I don't really understand the purpose of having the frame in angle by the flow and unfolding it on the same MEP