How do I change the output name of a file on batch converter?


I would like to generate pdf files with Batch Converter and give it a name by looking for the properties of the file.


My file is called "mardi05-01.drw" with several sheets. In each sheet, there is a cartouche with a reference (0012; 0013; ...) and a designation (tube1; tube2; ...). I would like to release pds with the name: 0012 - tube1; 0013 - tube3; ...

I don't know if this is possible with this tool. There may be another way, using a macro for example...

Thank you



Have you tried:

option tab; "name of generated files"

At the end of the line "Replace/add the first characters" click on the "... "

This gives you access to options to retrieve property values.

Kind regards

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To complete the @Gabriel info:

You can easily name your PDF file as:


To do this in the "Options" of Batchconverter, and in the "Generated File Names" tab:

In the "Replace/Add last characters" box:

click on [....]

You choose the type of fields: "Value of a property": you put the name of your property 1

you validate on OK

you reselect the type of fields: "Value of a property": you put the name of your property 2

you validate on OK

You check on the [+] in front of the "Replace/Add last characters" box:

In your list of selected rules, a new rule appears.

This rule must be checked for it to apply.

INFO: remember to save your rule.


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Thank you for this information. So far I had found it but I get stuck at the step:  "You choose the type of fields: "Value of a property": you put the name of your property 1". How should I type the name of this property? I tried "SW-Reference" but it puts me 'empty fields'... Is it the syntax that is not good?

Kind regards