How do I change the Day/Month/Year order in custom properties?

Hello, I'm facing a problem, I'm desperately looking for how to put the display of dates in DD/MM/YYYY in autocomplete via custom properties... Apparently, by default, it puts the months first but I would have liked the days to be displayed first.
I'm sure it must be a small detail somewhere but here's the thing, after 2 hours of research, I'm on the verge of throwing in the towel and putting a text box instead of a date.
Thank you in advance for your help...



you want the DD/MM/YYYY in the title block when updating the index???

Yes, that's right... I don't know why, but at home, with the calendar that shows up when I go to the custom properties, when I click on today's date, it puts me the month first (MM/DD/YYYY)

Good evening

I guess SW is in English so date display conforms to the language. In my opinion, there is no simple solution except to switch the interface to French.

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Damn, that's what I feared because yes, I'm in Solidworks English... So I'm going to have to go through a simple Text box. You never know, if someone had a solution to this interface problem (we have the right to dream), I'll leave the question open.
In any case, thank you for everything. :)

And if you put a note that points to the date property it looks like???

On the other hand, Ac Cobra 427, I don't see what you want to explain to me.
Could you describe to me the operations to be carried out if possible? :)


You do insert==>annotations==>note and then you go left in the PropertyManager and I believe this is the second icon where you can link to a property and there you look for short date. There may be another one that suits you...

Oh okay... So I had tried to do this, but the thing was that using the Custom Properties icon on the right, I had a calendar that was displayed for the dates. But when I selected one, it automatically filled in the field by putting the month, the day and then the year.
It was more to use this calendar feature that I wanted to find a solution.
But in my opinion, it's related to the fact that I'm using an English version of SW. :-/