How to Choose a New Orientation for Sketching in Solidworks

Hi all


Here is my problem:


when I want to make a sketch, when I select a face, the orientation is automatically made according to the X/Y coordinate system. What if I want to select a face and then select any edge, for example, to orient other than my X/Y.

In some cases, it's easier.


Thank you for your help.





Either you have to reorient with the right click of the mouse, or select another face and click on "Normal to" in the view bar" (see attached file).




Attached is an image that shows my problem. If I right-click I can reorient the face to select. I want to be like the attached file.



With the alt or shift key held down, and by pressing the arrows, you can reorient in 30-degree increments (adjustable in the system options in the View menu).


And then, we can update the standard views to keep this view:

Click the Update Standard Views icon . This updates all the standard views so that they are relative to that view."



Or, if you want to be approximately in front, you can adjust the view by clicking on a face with the mouse wheel to rotate normally to that face.




Thank you Prior,


I just tested. After combining the keys, ok I turn and I am oriented as I wish. The problem is that if I draw a line and I ask for a horizontal constraint, my line always reorients itself according to the starting X and Y. 


Can we create for example a new reference frame according to my order and when I select my face for my sketch I can select the reference for my new orientation?


Thank you in advance.


See this link







If you rotate your view via the roll tool (photo1/2 of view your triede is always the same so if you do a vertical it will be as if you were before the roll

Rotation View Tool (photo3) you create an angular rotation via your lukewarm



@+ ;-)

The simplest orientation is still the plans.

It is therefore necessary, before creating your sketch, to build a new plane passing through the edge in question.


Then, to reorient yourself, click on the map creates -> Normal to,  and you're good to go!

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I specified in my first message with the space key: And then, one can update the standard views to keep that view:"Click on the Update Standard Views icon. This updates all the standard views so that they are relative to that view."
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To orient the part with the "Normal to" command in the direction you want, you have to click on the normal face, press the Ctrl key and select the face you want to put on top (see image).

To keep the view of Face by default, press the Space key, The Orientation window appears. Select Face and do Update Standard Views and the view becomes the front view.

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The answers are complementary in most cases that of alain.erp from the selections And in more complex cases I use key combinations like Lucas Prieur



I'm like Jose-accessa, I use plans a lot, create a plan, and then normal to. But if you want it to become a standard view, the solutions of Lucas prieur, and Alain erp, work very well too.


Have a nice day





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