How to find out which SW add-ins are installed


In my BE, we work with floating licenses.

Normally, we activate or deactivate the add-ons and the license adapts to the activated add-ons.

As of the 2016 release, the simulation add-in is no longer available.

Question: How do I know which solidworks add-ins have been installed on my computer?

Thank you for your answers

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You go to Tools and Add-ins. (screen attached)


Yes, or directly here:

And we know if Simulation is installed and active:

Thank you for your answers.

I know where to find the list of supplements. This is where I turn on or off the ones I need.

The problem is that the simulation add-in is supposed to be installed but does not appear in this list.

Is there any other way to check what add-ons are installed on the PC?


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Known problem, it' s because of a Windows update, you have to uninstall it and repair the SOLIDWORKS install. See this previous post



I saw this question, but I'm with SW2016 under win7

The other workstations of the BE (under Win10 or Win8.1) have the same problem, and we all had the same installation.

I'm leaning more towards a bad install on the part of the computer scientist, but I need elements to prove to him that he didn't install everything he should.

The simulation add-in appears in the solidwors add-in bar but in greyed out, it's the beginning of a lead...

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Go to the "?"  menu and click on "my products" then send a printout screen!


Here is the picture.


out of conscience, I looked at the "about" window which should indicate which version of SW is installed... There she is

About tells me it's a premium

my products tell me it's a pro

FYI, I borrowed the premium license before taking the screenshots


Problem solved but the question is not really...

The problem came from the installation where simulation had not been checked in the right place and therefore not installed :-(

On the other hand, to see it, the hotline went through a modification of the install (which I can't do, not having the rights on the PC)

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