How to Counter Drill a Tube in a Set


I don't remember how to counter a tube in an assembly

so that if the plate moves, the hole also

Thank you in advance for your help



To see the assembly correctly, you would have to join the parts it contains.

But drilling in the assembly is done as in the part (sketch on a plan or flat face then extrusion). I don't have the SW interface in front of me but I think that only extrusion is available in assembly mode to make holes. You have to make do with simple piercings. Standardized holes are not available (from memory).

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All you have to do is take the material removal function or the drilling function, make this hole in the assembly by editing the part and adding the stress that centers the hole on the hole of the other part (if you place it directly on the hole the concentricity is added automatically.


Hello erecher,

Indeed this is how to do it, but be careful not to forget to uncheck "do not propagate the function to parts" especially if it is a part of your library, because otherwise your modification will be applicable in all assemblies where this part will be located.

Kind regards.




You right-click on the part to be drilled and you edit it, then you select the face where the diameter is located and you convert the entities of the diam and you do your material removal, then if you change the position of the hole, the other one will follow by doing a ctrl-q


Thank you all for your quick feedback...  

and all apologize for the inconvenience

@+ Eve