How do I copy an assembly and parts without references with the original?

I found this on file search priority when opening files with references.

RAM is a priority.



And yes, SW is a big lazy person and doesn't look further than what he finds first! :-)

Namely that he is a bit c.. on the edges too: if you open a 2nd SW session on your computer, it doesn't "look" at the files opened on the first session. You can then use 2 different files with the same name (very useful for vis.sldprt and nut.sldprt!).

And a good part of these principles collapse when you use EPDM!


You should also pay attention to the paths indicated in tools/system options/file locations/search paths.

Modification to be made also in SW explorer.

To check that the open files are those of the right directory: by being in the top-level assembly or better its drawing, Files/Search for references.

if we see that files are not coming from the right place: close SW, open the parts that were causing problems, open the assembly.

Are the pieces and the asm in the same repertoire, or is there a tree?

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Indeed, when you have several files with the same name, it is imperative to close SolidWorks before opening the second assembly!

Otherwise, by default, SolidWorks takes the path of the last file opened...

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