How do I correct a discrepancy between the 3D and the Plan?


I find myself with a discrepancy between my 3D and the plan.
I have a position constraint at 4662.5mm, on the plan the dimension is indeed 4662.5mm but on the 3D when I have it measured I end up with 4661.5mm..... and this on several pieces.
A tip to correct the problem? 

Thank you!


Can you attach a room with its mep in a zip or there is this problem so we can see? 

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The dimension on the plan may be taken at the bottom of a chamfer 

for example a 1mm chamfer

why don't you simply import the dimensions of the 3D modem directly

which theoretically are good



It's a very practical function to import the dimensions of the 3D but I'm not a fan because I already had apprentices who modified the dimensions of the MEP and we move the whole assembly, I find it very dangerous.

The MEP is theoretically only a flat (2D) image of the 3D

it's only from the 3D (3D references )

That we create the MEP

And not the other way around

a dimension created in the MEP does not change anything in the 3D 

on the other hand, a change in the dimension of the 3D immediately modifies the MEP 

well unless I'm not awake 

It's the 3D refs that allow you to create a mep

and not the other way around

Personally, I've never seen a mep rating modify a 3D

or I was lucky 

@+ ;-)

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Hello gt22,

Just to say yes in a plan by cutting the dimension you can change the dimension of the 3D and live towards that, be careful for it to work it must be a dimension imported from the 3D.

And to answer the question of ankhx, check by measuring that you click on the right edge to take your odds.

Kind regards.



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That's what it seemed to me, if you import the dimensions with the object tool of the model you can modify the 3d from the MPE just by clicking on the dimension and changing its value the 3D follows. thank you @A.R so I was still wide awake ^_^ ^_^

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Hello cobra,

No problem, it happens to everyone too... Yes, it works as long as it's one or more dimensions imported directly from the 3D.

Kind regards.



Here are some images to better understand the problem
Constraint to 4662.5

Measured at 4661.5

Plan at 4662.5

Thank you.

How did you constrain your bridle compared to the one at the end? Do you have a constraint // then a distance? 

Maybe a difference between the origin and the flange in the piece itself.


Are you sure of your parallelisms and concentricities between your different parts (// flange axis / side starting face,  concentricity between flange and flange support tube, etc.)?

Are your measurements taken on the same references because I don't see 2 different dimensions but 3 (4662.6, 4662.5 and 4661.5)?

For me it feels the slight gap between the different elements !!

Kind regards

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The right flange has a shoulder, personally I will check that the dimension/constraint is attached to the right face.
If the other odds are good, it is the constraint that must be checked.

The stress is indeed from the flange face to the axis, and the dimension is 4662.5 but it displays 4662.6 in 3D dimension
no shoulder on the flange.

Well I edited the constraint and revalidated it and the dimensions are updated everything is back to normal...
sorry for the inconvenience yet the selections of faces and planes are good at the base...

Thank you all in any case!

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