How to rate the length of an arc of a circle?

I need to provide the length of an arc of a circle and apart from using the measurement tool I don't see how to dimension this length on a plan

Hello, see this video:

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Hello, you just have to click first on your bow and then on your two end points.



Ok thanks for the info now I tested it on the attached example but I get the complementary rating to the one I would like. How to switch to the other?


What did you select?

The center of the circle or the arc. 

Can you take  a screenshot?

By moving the mouse to the other side of the arc before clicking to set the dimension (as on the video of my first link).

Or perhaps by pressing TAB before placing the dimension by clicking.



All the answers reported to you are correct. On the other hand, it applies to dimensions of the arc of a circle in sketches. However, in your application, it seems to me that you want to obtain the dimension of an edge. And that's not possible in SW.

Kind regards


I selected the arc then the 2 points and I tried by pressing the TAB key but the result is the same.


Hello, the value of 741.64 on your plan corresponds to the length of the arc? I have the impression that it is the opposite value (perimeter value - arc value).

Thus Perimeter = Pi x Ø or about 943 mm 

943 - 741 =202 which corresponds, approximately, to your bow


[EDIT] Spelling

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As @jmsavoyat says it's only possible in sketch so why not make an arc in  sketch and measure it in the drawing. or directly on the 3D

I'm digging up the subject a bit but I just wanted to bring a little information about their dimensioning, I had the same case as valerie.legoff, when I was rating I had the complementary dimension and to solve this problem, I was forced to insert sketch points that I have side and there the dimension was correct.