How to Grade an Arc



I've looked around SW 2013 and I can't find the function to dimension an arc in the drawing.


Does anyone have an idea??



Thank you in advance.


Kind regards.

Hello, to dimension the radius or the angle of the arc?

For the angle you have to create 2 planes passing through the center of the arc and then through the ends of the arc, then it will be easy for you to dimension.




If you want to talk about the length of the arc, you have to do:

"Smart quotation"

you select the 2 ends of your bow and your bow

and your arc length rating appears


Have a nice day.





For my part I always use the command: "Smart Quotation" to do it

it adapts automatically

I am attaching an example of what is possible to do on an arc with smart dimensioning

I hope I was able to help you

Because to my knowledge there is no "Score a bow" function, but I could be wrong;)


Have a nice day



You select the "smart dimensioning" tool

While holding the "CTRL" key you click on your bow and your 2 endpoints.


Thank you I just wanted the length of the bow.


Thank you, have a good day.

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No need to use the "CRTL" key


Have a nice day

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Otherwise I had published a short video about the positioning of the call number labels. It can still be useful even if it is a little old!


But this is indeed the correct answer of @flegendre.

Kind regards


The correct answer was given quickly (intelligent dimensioning + 2 endpoints + arc), just for information in 2014 it is also possible to dimension trajectory lengths such as for example a succession of arc and line and even to dimension a spline length.


Small remark about flegendre's answer:

The Ctrl key is useless; Just do smart dimensioning, and select the 2 points and the arc (no matter the order) and you have an arc dimension.

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be careful with the 2016 version selecting the bow first it crashes SW

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