How to create a scan with two guide curves under SOLIDWORKS2016


I would like to make a rounded surface that follows two guide curves but I can't find an adequate function...  
Indeed, when I use a sweep, my section is respected but my surface follows only one of the two curves. So I tested with a smoothing or the boundary surface tool by adding sections but it gives me a not very satisfactory result because as you can see on the photo it is not continuous.

Do you have a tip, a tip to make a beautiful continuous surface?

Thank you and have a good day

if you want something clean

You must already take your profile section well perpendicular to your guide curve

and if necessary multiply it along your axis

and take in ref the construction line parameter which can be found via the Smoothing Surface tool

and it should do well


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Thank you for your answer! :)

ok so you have to draw all the sections if I understood correctly ... but it can be endless... :/

I just told myself that by adding a guide curve on top it should work.
I'll test it and get back to you.

Hello, can you attach your file?

No need to make a lot of profiles, you can already try with 3, or even 5 if useful


I added a guide curve on the top in addition to the sides and it worked! :)

Thank you for your answers!

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You just have to put a resolution in the right of the answer that helped you the +

This allows you to have the right answer right after the question and which is also brought a few points for the rewards

have a nice day @+ ;-)