How do I create a case from my model?

Hi all

I have a dome-type piece to make , but no revolution (it has some slight asymmetries and this is intentional). So I tried to take a picture of it from 3 angles, but can't realize my surface (despite the fact that my profiles and the main diameters have many meeting points).

Could you explain to me, or help me, in order to make this hollow shell, 1.2 mm thick?

Thank you in advance for your help, and have a good weekend



post some pictures with the odds

we don't all have the same SW version

nor the same logs

so if you want to have as many answers as possible it's + simple and effective

@+ ;-)


Well noted, I'm putting you in PC a picture of where I am: I created 3 diameters, on 3 different planes, and 2 curves (meeting points at each of the diameters) which should serve as a guide.

I'd like to use the smoothing function, which works well when I declare 3 profiles and the point, but which brings up an error when I start adding the guides.

Thank you again for your help



Why don't you go through a revolution 

your piece seems symmetrical so make 1/2 piece

If you can give the ribs for testing?

then you'll do your job' shell

once your hull function is done

you symmetry by taking the revolution and the shell

See attached

attached file SW 2012

@+ ;-)



Thank you gt22, but as I explained, it's not a part of revolution: it deliberately has asymmetries in terms of diameters and curves.

What I'm looking to know: this is why the smoothing function gives me this error when I think I'm using it well


Thank you all

Post of the plans of the different views

faces, top, straight sides

in pictures it will be + simple

to see your asymmetries

It says in your error message that guide curve n°1 does not cross section n°2

So look at your intersections and see where it doesn't touch



Is it to make a hang? Why not use offset surfaces? Or cut the piece in half with a plane and then do a hull function by body and then merge them?

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Good evening everyone,

And thank you for your feedback. I finally got away with smoothing area by area, then sewing the whole thing, and finally thickening my stitched surface.

A few adjustments to be made in terms of the continuity of the curves, but it will work like this.

See you soon


Good evening everyone,

And thank you for your feedback. I finally got away with smoothing area by area, then sewing the whole thing, and finally thickening my stitched surface.

A few adjustments to be made in terms of the continuity of the curves, but it will work like this.

See you soon